The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist is a best-selling book by the Brazilian author, Paulo Coelho.

Its concept is to follow your dreams, heeding omens and listening to your heart on the way.

Santiago is a young Spanish shepherd who dreams to finding treasure on the Pyramids of Egypt. The story follows his journey to Egypt, where he encounters several wise people who guide him on his journey and teach him many valuable things about life, especially achieving your dreams.

The story says that everybody has a Personal Legend or a goal in life, and no matter how difficult that legend is you will fulfill it if you remain persistent and recognize small details or omens, which will lead you to your objective.

I loved this book because it was very simple, and the message behind it was filled with wisdom and it was inspiring. It’s not a very long story either; it’s worth your time and money, and teaches you great lessons, too.


alex said...

i didn't had to xD
i just wore them xD
it's actually funny lol
but seriously it was so bad!
it's good now!
well from luxembourg wbu?

Zawan said...

wow, luxemburg...
I'm from the Sudan
it's nice to meet people from different countries

Nick said...

Thanks for stoppin by and the kind words, Zawan. There's not going to be video of the radio review tomorrow. I'm nervous but excited about it.

Your site is really looking good, and some nice reviews.
