The Taste of Melon – short story by Borden Deal


The Taste of Melon is one of the set texts of the IGCSE 2010 syllabus.

It’s about a person who recalls his inconsiderate doing as a sixteen year-old of stealing a watermelon.

The boy had just moved to a new home with his parents and had stolen a watermelon from the fiery Mr. Wills, whom nobody dares to touch his crops.

Mr. Wills had raised the biggest watermelon in the country and was guarding his patch with a gun.

When the boys and his friends passed by Mr. Will’s patch one night, the boy successfully manages to steal the great seed melon and enjoy it with his friends.

Mr. Wills soon discovers about his stolen watermelon and becomes desperate and angry; the boy is touched when he discovers that Mr. Wills wanted to give it to his sickly wife to make her feel better. He decides to collect the seeds and go confess to Mr. Wills with his father, expecting Mr. Wills to try to shoot him.

Instead, Mr. Wills makes a deal with the boy that they’ll grow together next year instead of this one, which is ruined.

I’ve found The Taste of Melon a very entertaining 16-page read.

The end is very ironic and witty. This short story is worth reading.

Click here to read the story.


Anonymous said...

Actually the boys hadn't just passed by, they went swimming that night after the moon rose and Mr. Will's was actually keeping that that melon for his sickly wife to make her feel better by letting her share it with averybody in town not only so that it would make HER feel better. Also it wasn't only Mr. Will's who made the deal with the boy, they young boy presented the deal to Mr. Will's and Mr. Will's accepted.

Anonymous said...

u no somthin? I am doin dis project and I'm really suppose to write a summary and ya thanks alot for helpin me guys!

simona lee said...

wheres the thematic statement???????????

Anonymous said...

That's what i was going to ask simona lee. im trying to look for the theme of this story. i found friendship, which i already thought of before i looked it up! the internet has nothing on the theme of the taste of melon, but it should!


i presume the theme is on growing up, and gaining maturity as we do so. there are a lot of things that we realize after the worst has been done, and this is what Borden deal wants us to learn through the story. The taste of Watermelon was sweeter after this realization...after learning the truth about life!

Anonymous said...

How is the ending ironic. I would like to know what makes the ending ironic. I do not see an irony in this story. Is it related to Willadean and the boy, or Mr. Wills and the boy.

Anonymous said...

seriously how is it ironic man. and thanks all of you for helping me write the summary of this (long) short story

Anonymous said...

I have to do a project on this story.
I have to make Short Story promotional advertisement like I have to make a cover page for this story like movie's cover page. Can anyone help me.

Anonymous said...

how would you tell the story from mr.wills' perspective?

GEorge Li said...

does the protagonist say his name? or is there any hint to what his name is? or is he an unnamed protagonist

Anonymous said...

The protagonist is Borden Deal!

Anonymous said...

how does the story revolve around the melon?

Anonymous said...

well, if you think about it the water melon symbolizes willadean. the "heart meat" is actually a representation of willadean's heart. Also, the fact that the narrator destroyed the water mellon after enjoying it shows that he is raping willadean metaphorically then leaving her there.

i guess the irony at the end of the story is the fact that mr. wills made a new start and a good friendship with the narrator instead of shooting him which was what the narrator expected him to do.

Anonymous said...

hi zawan pls add me to your email list

JMA 31 said...

I believe the end of the story more than ironic has a moral. The moral is when the narrator feels sorry due to the thing he has done (steel the watermelon), go to Mr. Wills patch and say he was sorry for his behavior. Now the narrator works in the farm and can see Willadean all day long. The moral is you have to accept your mistakes and good things would happen.

TBerro 31 said...

I think that the end of the story has both irony and a moral. The irony is that Mr. Wills after destroying all the watermelons do a friendship with the teenager and give him a work with the watermelons when the reader expected that he will kill him. On the other hand the moral of the story is that anyway we make big mistakes we have to tell the true and all will be better.

FPonte 31 said...

Well, I don`t understand how Mr Wills give the boy a work in the farm after the boy attacks the watermelon. And I think that the ending is ironic becaus of this, what person gives job, to a perosn that attacks something of it? and the story ends with a relation between the boy and Mr wills because if they were not friends, for example, Mr Wills said to him that the shotgun wasn`t loaded

Anonymous said...

aaaah! ,k so .. i'm doing this project for english, and have to write all the different personality traits for mr.wills , and then i need the proof , and if they are directly told to us, or indirectly. if anyone could help that would be great! thanks :)

Anonymous said...

well the narrater of the story is Sam right?
in one of Mr.Will's conversation he mentiones his name...

Anonymous said...

we have to do this story in english lessons

Anonymous said...

Th fucking protaganist is unknown for a reaon

Anonymous said...

sam is the fucking father of the fucking narrator bitch

sex said...

bravery is a theme

Anonymous said...

So was this a story of the autor's childhood?

Anonymous said...

can we say that Mr Wills is generous hearted ?

Anonymous said...

hi I'm coming from France and i'm doing the igcse. I would like to know if this story has got a copyright. If the opposite occurs i would like to translate it into French and to edit it. Thanks

Anonymous said...

what are 3 symbols and for each, what do they represent?

Anonymous said...

xd what is dis review, please speak russki, I no understand

Anonymous said...

The watermelon got bambooed